Friday, November 6, 2009


Today I decided to show something a little bit different; these are two brief and rushed sketches of my two kinds of shoe. By scanning my arm and adjusting some sliders in PhotoStudio, I managed to produce what I hope is a pretty interesting piece. 

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Black, White

These are something a wee bit different that I created in honor of America's 44th President's successful first year in office. This effect was achieved with a blue pen, a pencil, a magic marker and some dial tweaking in PhotoStudio. One image I flipped into negative for some dramatic contrast. I hope the distinction is striking and that you enjoy my work.

UPDATE: rating system

You'll notice I have added a simple rating system to each work (see just below); if you so choose, you can rate my art to further provide feedback. This service is easy and would be greatly appreciated, thank you.



These are two fineliner sketches, one inked in red and one plain. They are both simple in design, but I hope very striking at the same time.


This is a fineliner drawing of my mother watching 'Bones' on a Sunday night. I was going for a sort of minimalist cartoon influence so it's really nothing like the kind of thing I usually draw.


This is one of my experiments into watercolour; at the moment, it certainly needs work but I'm happy with it. I added the water to this with my fingers.


This, again, is the product of my delaying other more important things. This time, it's piano practice I should be doing. Fittingly, this was in fact sketched on the back of a copy of a Chopin Nocturne I should be playing. I believe you can see Chopin's work  on the other side, just faded but still there. The remastered, with the other side of the image washed into white, can be seen as well.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Self Portrait

I sketched this on the back of a book - Misadventures in Modern Medicine - with a fresh fine-liner for the express purpose of displaying on a blog. It's me on a Sunday, in a striped shirt, in the middle of spring, in the afternoon when I should be doing something else.

This is going to be a blog for my art, and for the occasional captured thought.